ATFD has a Single Point Solution for all Drying Applications

Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD) for evaporation of water/solvents to make concentrated liquid to dry powder or flakes. Based on application either recovered solvent or dry product is important. Agitated Thin Film Dryer design is the ideal apparatus for continuous processing of concentrated material for drying. Agitated Thin Film Dryer consists of a cylindrical, vertical body with heating jacket and a rotor inside of the shell which is equipped with rows of pendulum blades all over the length of the dryer. The vapors make rise up, counter-concurrent the liquid and go through the Cyclone separator affixed on the ATFD vapor outlet. These vapors will be condensed in condenser and found as condensate. The system will be functioned under vacuum for temperature-sensitive products, and atmospheric status for the normal drying.

Agitated Thin Film Dryer(ATFD) for evaporation of water/solvents to make concentrated liquid to dry powder upto 5% moisture . Based on application either recovered solvent or dry product is important. Agitated Thin Film Dryer design is the ideal apparatus for continuous processing of concentrated material for drying. Agitated thin-film evaporation has been very successful with difficult-to-handle products. Simply stated, the method quickly separates the volatile from the less volatile components using indirect heat transfer and mechanical agitation of the following product film under controlled conditions.

Agitated Thin Film Dryer Supplier

Agitation of the following product film under controlled conditions

Agitated thin film evaporators are typically used for fluids which are difficult to handle due to higher sensitivity and viscosity. Such an evaporator consists of two key components: a jacketed shell and a rotor which rotates at high speed inside the shell. The feed is inserted into the mechanism at the top. Then, it is distributed along the shell via a distributor. After this, the rotor works to spread the feed into a thin film and agitate it further. The liquid is distributed in the form of a thin film on the heated wall where the heat transfer takes place.


  • Perfect Solution for Drying applications, Slurry formation, Cake formation, Powder / Flake recovery and Concentration.

  • No need of other unit operations like: Crystallization, Concentration, Filtration and Centrifugation. 

  • Compact design, thus less area requirement.

  • User-friendly in operation and long life.

  • Effective heat transfer.

  • Property of freedom to select heat sources like hot water, steam or thermic fluid etc.

  • Maximal heat transfer coefficient & less heat transfer area.

  • Flexible turndown ratio, easy to start and close.

  • Pressure and temperature flexibility.

  • Innovative design for distribution, and blades for minimal hold to permit maximum residence time.


ATFD systems are used in Pharma Industries, Textile Industries, Agro Chemicals Industries , Sugar Industries And Effluent Treatment Plant. Drying of products, Drying of concentrated liquid for salt recovery, Drying of Chemical and petrochemical products to recover the powder. 

SVAAR has agitated thin film evaporators built for optimized processing of the feed, reduction of wastage and offer maximum flexibility in the evaporation process; a single system can be used to process different products under variable operating conditions due to customized design. Top Agitated Thin Film Dryer Supplier, Manufacturer & Exporter from India. ATFD systems are used in Pharma Industries, Textile Industries, Agro Chemicals Industries , Sugar Industries and Effluent Treatment Plant. Drying of products, Drying of concentrated liquid for salt recovery, Drying of Chemical and petrochemical products to recover the powder.

SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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