What is Wastewater Evaporation? Industrial effluent evaporation is a method of testing water-based wastes from time to time to reduce the water content. In its simplest form, the evaporator converts water-based waste water into water vapor, leaving behind high-boiling contaminants. These wastewater solutions greatly reduce the amount of waste required for on-site disposal. EVAPORATION - A WASTEWATER TREATMENT ALTERNATIVE Evaporation can be use as an alternative procedure in increasing wastewater treatment applications. It can consider as effective in concentrating or removing salts, heavy metals and a variety of hazardous materials from the solution. Also, it can be used to recover useful by-products or to concentrate liquid waste by measures before additional treatment and final disposal. Various applications by using different technology also produce reusable distillate, high quality - an important feature where water conservation is a priority. During evaporatio...